A series of legal training workshops for secondary students - مركز مساواة لحقوق المواطنين العرب في اسرائيل

A series of legal training workshops for secondary students

Within the series of legal training workshops held by the Mossawa Center, the fourth meeting was held in 4 different towns - the Galilee School in Nazareth, the Nahda School - Kafr Qara, the Al-Mutanabbi School - Haifa, and the Al-Manara School in Jisr Al-Zarqa, which were presented by a number of law students. The program aims to simplify the legal aspects for students at the secondary level and create a generation of jurists and human rights defenders.


During the meeting, economic and social rights were discussed while mentioning the related laws and linking them to the students' daily lives in various fields including but not limited to health, education, infrastructure development, and transportation, backed up with many real examples where Arab community suffers from discrimination in economic and social rights.


The importance of community rights for economic development was also mentioned alongside the importance of building industrial zones in Arab towns, as it constitutes an economic lever. The rates of poverty in the country and poverty in Arab society were also discussed, getting down to the causes and ways to address them.


additional topics were brought up such as the state budget and the process in which it gets passed in the Knesset through The basis of economics law and the law of settlements. 


Which then led the participating group to discuss the gaps in budgets between the Arab community and the Jewish community. Using Mossawa Center’s analysis of the state budget and the Arab community’s demands from the state budget to fill the gaps to further understand the issue.


In the second part of the workshop, a model of the Knesset was held, students played the role of members of the Knesset and voted on the various readings and the path that the budget takes to pass it in the general assembly of the Knesset. Simulating the roles of Knesset members students raised the topic of the Arab community’s demands, and each group presented claims and discussions in that regard.


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