Mossawa Center Condemns Dismissal of Arab Employee by Clalit Medical Engineering for Posting Quranic Verses - مركز مساواة لحقوق المواطنين العرب في اسرائيل

Mossawa Center Condemns Dismissal of Arab Employee by Clalit Medical Engineering for Posting Qur'anic Verses

The Mossawa Center denounces the dismissal of an Arab employee from Clalit Medical Engineering, affiliated with the Clalit Medical Fund, for publishing verses from the Qur'an.This employee had dedicated decades to providing medical equipment for the company.

At the Mossawa Center's request, Lawyer Dr. Loai Zreik represented the employee and demanded his reinstatement, stating "Clalit Health Fund's decision is reprehensible."

Despite their efforts, the legal process upheld the dismissal. "I deplore the persecution of individuals for publishing Qur'anic verses. It is appalling that the Health Fund, which benefits from Arab and Muslim patients, persecutes its employees because of their faith and religion.

In its prosecution, the Health Fund used translators who had previously served in Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency, 'Shabak')," stated Zreik, adding, "we will examine the possibility of appealing this dangerous decision, which, unfortunately, was upheld by the Labor Court,"


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