Training Workshop on Planning and Building Laws at Al-Nahda School in Kafr Qara and Al-Mutanabbi School in Haifa - مركز مساواة لحقوق المواطنين العرب في اسرائيل

Training Workshop on Planning and Building Laws at Al-Nahda School in Kafr Qara and Al-Mutanabbi School in Haifa

The Mossawa Center organized specialized human rights training workshops at Al-Nahda School in Kafr Qara and Al-Mutanabbi School in Haifa. These workshops are part of Mossawa Center's ongoing human rights training program, which aims to enhance awareness among young people about their rights. The focus of the workshop was on planning and construction laws and the right to housing, aligning with both local regulations and international human rights conventions.

The workshops addressed the numerous challenges and obstacles that Palestinian Arab society faces concerning land rights, planning, and housing. Participants learned about the roles and functions of planning committees, the relevant judicial processes, and the citizens' rights to participate in and object to municipal and governmental plans. Additionally, students received a detailed explanation of the differences between structural and detailed maps, highlighting the specific issues that Palestinian Arab localities face, particularly the lack of expansion. Notably, since 1948, no new Palestinian Arab localities have been established, whereas over 500 Jewish localities have been built.

An interactive component of the workshop engaged students in solving puzzles using keywords, which facilitated their understanding of planning, construction, and operational issues. This activity also encouraged them to propose solutions, with a particular focus on the roles of women, education, economic development, and the establishment of industrial zones.

Costa Jarjoura, the Community Programs Coordinator at the Mossawa Center, emphasized our commitment to raising human rights awareness and equipping students with effective tools to tackle the challenges faced by Palestinian Arab society. He noted the importance of simplifying complex legal concepts for secondary school students and promoting human rights across various fields.

These workshops follow previous programs that covered cultural rights, the right to education, freedom of expression, economic rights, and the right to equality. Upcoming workshops will address workers' rights and the right to work. Currently, the program is being implemented at Galilee School in Nazareth, Al-Nahda School in Kafr Qara, Al-Manara School in Jisr Al-Zarqa, and Al-Mutanabbi School in Haifa. The youth staff at the Mossawa Center are also preparing for the annual summer human rights workshops.

For further information or to participate in upcoming workshops, please contact the Mossawa Center.

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