The Mossawa Center, Haifa. Saturday 19th of July 2014. On Friday July 18th a group of approximately 400 demonstrators protesting in Haifa against the war on Gaza were greeted by violence and excessive force from the Haifa police. 30 people were arrested and many others, including members of Knesset were badly beaten by members of the police force
The demonstration was organized by young local activists, but people came from all over the country in order to voice opposition to the offensive in Gaza. According to Haifa police chief Avi Edri the police were allowing the demonstration to take place even though it did not have a permit, but protestors were met continuously along their march by police attempting to stop them from marching. Further more once the demonstration reached its destination at the top of the German Colony police surrounded the group of protestors and would not even allow those running from police brutality to exit the demonstration.
All those arrested will be brought in front of the Haifa court at 8:30pm tonight. Mossawa staff will be present in the court in support of the families of those arrested.
A separate demonstration including Arab and Jewish anti war activists is expected to take place Saturday night in the Carmel center area of Haifa. Baruch Marzel, an extreme leader of the Kahana movement, which was declared illegal in the past, and pro-war activists are planning to attack the demonstration.
The Mossawa Center condemns this attempted censorship of speech by the Haifa police and demands the immediate release of all those who were arrested. All citizens have the right to express their dissent to the actions of the Israeli government and to be arrested and violently beaten for such expression is a violation of human rights.
For extensive video coverage of the demonstration click this link