Just like the struggles of the African American community in the United States...
The Mossawa center calls the Israeli government to implement HRW's report,...
Since the year 2000, 57 Palestinian Arab civilians have been shot and killed...
As Arab local authorities went on strike to protest discriminatory budgeting...
Arab citizens in mixed cities discriminated in Ramada budget allocation
Following a contentious third election, Israel seemed to have yet another...
Join the Mossawa Center in exploring the situation on the ground for the Arab...
In many Israeli hospitals, Jewish and Palestinian doctors work side by side....
In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Palestinian Arab community in...
Yesterday, Israel held its third round of elections within one year. The...
Gantz's comments jeapordize the prospects of a progressive coalition
Trump's dangerous one-sided proposal is a blueprint for perpetual occupation
Gantz is more willing to cannibalize the far-right than to build a progressive...
Mossawa’s Flagship Development Project
"Their participation is a prerequisite but also a catalyst for a brighter...
The Mossawa Center hosted its first civil society conference on Friday, 13th...
The Mossawa Center brought the challenges and prospects of the Palestinian...
Farah warns that failing to tackle the spiral of violence will have...
The conference looks to deepen co-operation between civil society...